DEMONSTRATION - Squared SquareTHURSDAY MAY 30th, 2024 @10AM & 2PMCome into the shop as Anne does a demonstration on how use the Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Squared Square ruler.There is no registration or fee for attending the demos, but we do recommend calling the shop to let us know you plan on coming. Interested in […]
DEMONSTRATION - Squared SquareTHURSDAY MAY 30th, 2024 @10AM & 2PMCome into the shop as Anne does a demonstration on how use the Studio 180 Deb Tucker's Squared Square ruler.There is no registration or fee for attending the demos, but we do recommend calling the shop to let us know you plan on coming. Interested in […]
Squared SquareBlockbuster BOM-Part 4 of 6MONDAY JUNE 10th, 2024 @5:30PMRequired items (available for purchase at The Quilting Needle): Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star RulerAdvanced Beginner - rotary cutter experience, familiar with basic piecing techniques In this class, you will learn how to create the block pictured above using the Squared Square ruler. […]
Squared SquareBlockbuster BOM-Part 4 of 6THURSDAY JUNE 13th, 2024 @9:30PMRequired items (available for purchase at The Quilting Needle): Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star RulerAdvanced Beginner - rotary cutter experience, familiar with basic piecing techniques In this class, you will learn how to create the block pictured above using the Squared Square ruler. […]
What is Potpourri?Potpourri is a combination of things that have nothing in common. Potpourri at The Quilting Needle is a set of courses offered each quarter, but there’s no homework or prep work! Each month will be featuring a technique or instruction that course members will learn hands-on. Courses will be approximately 1.5 hours long, please […]
What is Potpourri?Potpourri is a combination of things that have nothing in common. Potpourri at The Quilting Needle is a set of courses offered each quarter, but there’s no homework or prep work! Each month will be featuring a technique or instruction that course members will learn hands-on. Courses will be approximately 1.5 hours long, please […]
DEMONSTRATION - Wing Clipper 1MONDAY JUNE 24th, 2024 @10AM & 2PMCome into the shop as Anne does a demonstration on how use the Studio 180 Deb Tucker's Wing Clipper 1 ruler.There is no registration or fee for attending the demos, but we do recommend calling the shop to let us know you plan on coming. […]
DEMONSTRATION - Wing Clipper 1MONDAY JUNE 24th, 2024 @10AM & 2PMCome into the shop as Anne does a demonstration on how use the Studio 180 Deb Tucker's Wing Clipper 1 ruler.There is no registration or fee for attending the demos, but we do recommend calling the shop to let us know you plan on coming. […]
LEARN BAG MAKING BASICS WITH MISSY! Come join us this summer for some fun! If you want to learn how to start making bags, this beginner class is PERFECT for you! We are offering a three session class for an introduction to bag making basics that will teach you three helpful lessons when creating a […]